dan sandler
I help build software for people!

I’m a business analyst with nearly twenty years combined experience and have been able to pivot into many different types of industries. I've been involved in PR marketing, Ad/Mar Tech, EdTech, cable networks, boutique software development shops, insurance and supporting the mortgage industry.

Regarding project management, I've worked in agile since 2011 but I've also used other methodologies and everything inbetween. I'm familiar with waterfall, agilefall, frankinfall and have proficiency in absolute chaos.

The projects I've worked on spanned back end services, API development, desktop/mobile web applications, mobile applications, legacy system upgrades, disaster recovery, infrastructure upgrades and data integrations. In addition I've also spent time working with automations that have involved setting up servers, code compilations, ANT scripts, unit testing, automated testing and generating documentation.

All this and more!!!

I'm even fun at parties.

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■ feats of strength ■
It's for the rest of us!